Friday, July 26, 2024

The idyllic village without roads and cars

MagazineTourist destinationsThe idyllic village without roads and cars

Everyone who prefers a relaxed and easy life dream about one such a village. Giethorn in the Netherlands is a place where there are no roads and cars, it is possible to approached to it only by the boats through the canals and beautiful walk or bike across the wooden bridge.

Giethorn is located in the central part of the Netherlands in the nature reserve De Edhen. Local residents used boats to come to each other and leave a car outside the village. Gietron is connected to eight kilometers of water channels and rural houses dating back to the 18th century.

Near the village there is an orchid farm and butterfly valley, so this little place is a real parallel universe where dominat the scents and colors of flowers and the silence is disturbed only by the sound of shock paddles on the water.

If you coming on a day trip or a weekend or want to spend one more day really have something to see. From old farm covered with thatched roofs, various museum, a variety of local arts and crafts to beautiful nature. One of the main attractions are more than 50 wooden bridges that connecting the houses across the canal.

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