Friday, October 18, 2024



Recipe by Travel S HelperCourse: MainCuisine: Mediterranean, GreekDifficulty: Easy


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The traditional Greek dish Spanakorizo, founded in simplicity and flavor, exemplifies the essence of Greek cuisine.

Spanakorizo is a symphony of vibrant spinach (Spanaki) and tender rice (Rizo), cooked to perfection in an aromatic blend of herbs and seasonings. This dish not only captivates the senses, but also provides a wholesome and fortifying experience. Spanakorizo holds a special position in Greek culture as a symbol of comfort and a reminder of home.

The key to making an exceptional Spanakorizo is using high-quality, fresh ingredients. This dish features fresh, preferable young and tender spinach as its star ingredient. Its verdant tints and earthy flavors impart a delightful aroma to the rice. The rice, which has been carefully selected and cooked to a fluffy consistency, functions as a canvas for the spinach and aromatic elements.

Greek chefs add aromatic ingredients like dill, scallions, and parsley to increase the complexity of flavors. These botanicals impart their distinctive essence, imparting a burst of freshness to each bite. Spanakorizo frequently contains lemon zest, which adds a vibrant citrusy note and enhances the dish’s tantalizing flavor.

Each step of the cooking process is performed ritualistically in order to accomplish the desired result. Beginning with a fragrant base of onions and garlic that have been sautéed to unleash their flavorful essence, spinach and rice are added to the pan in harmony. As the rice absorbs the flavorful liquid, it progressively becomes a delectable masterpiece.

Spanakorizo is more than just a dish; it is a celebration of Greek culture that evokes memories of traditional gatherings and gracious hospitality. It exemplifies the timeless allure of Greek cuisine, whether served as a comforting main course or a side dish to complement other culinary delights.


  • 1 kg of fresh spinach

  • Juice of half a lemon

  • 1 onion

  • 3 tablespoons of olive oil

  • 2/3 cup water

  • 1/3 cup rice

  • Salt

  • Pepper

  • Dry mint


  • Wash the spinach and put it in a pot with 1 tablespoon of oil and lemon juice, so that it wilts a little, then drain it.
  • Clean the onion, chop it and stew it until it becomes soft.
  • Add spinach, mint, water and let it boil.
  • Wash the rice in several waters.
  • Add rice, salt, pepper and simmer covered until the rice is soft.
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