

The Factory Modern Arts Center is Vietnam’s first specifically designed location for contemporary art. We are a network of people working to talk about concrete and abstract cultural experiences that matter and are unquestionably one-of-a-kind. We are an independent organization that serves as a “factory” of critical ideas and a place that is always undergoing physical metamorphosis. We recognize artists today as interdisciplinary thinkers who reveal distinct ways of conceiving our journey into the 21st Century; as such, we nurture and celebrate their ideas as constructive observations of our social world. While we are aware of the social system that we operate in, we want to push its boundaries.

The Factory, which was founded in 2016 by the artist Tia-Thuy Nguyen, intends to be a vibrant center for the arts, developing cutting-edge initiatives that highlight the contemporary creative criticality of Vietnam. Our program of curated exhibitions, workshops, live arts, talks, and film screenings is driven by the needs of our local community, with a focus on helping artists in their search for resources, visibility, and support. We have a large amount of gallery space in which to experiment as well as a dedicated Arts Department with international curatorial expertise. In Vietnam, we have a rich aesthetic tradition that spans many different languages, from lacquer to silk production, from puppetry to woodworking. However, due to a lack of arts and educational infrastructure that cares about its global competitive relevance, our contemporary fine arts remain little known and understood. In response, The Factory makes an effort to start initiatives that foster cross-cultural communication and dialog while working with like-minded partners both domestically and internationally to develop high-caliber projects and opportunities that advance artistic production and cultural publics in Vietnam.

The Factory is a warehouse with over 500m2 of designed display space by HTA + Pizzini Architects, complete with a container-ville at its street-font, and is situated in Thao Dien, District 2 of Ho Chi Minh City, 20 minutes east of the city’s center. The Factory is a social enterprise that uses all proceeds from the sale of art and other products to pay for the upkeep of its artistic programs. Visit our Arts Center in between meeting your friends at Caay Delicious, a contemporary Asian fusion eatery!

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