Stay Safe & Healthy in Con Dao
Medical services are subpar, just like they are in most developed and rural areas of Vietnam. Helicopter evacuation takes five hours, costs US $5,000, and requires payment in cash. Due to the government’s refusal to grant “Medical Wings” access to Con Dao without first stopping in Saigon, which adds four hours to the trip and costs US$30,000, serious issues that necessitate evacuation to Thailand will take eight or more hours. Therefore, if you’re thinking of traveling here, think about getting adequate travel insurance. If you discover that insurance is not offered in your native nation, take into account a US-based online provider; they offer coverage to people all over the world for as little as US$1 each day.
There are some stray dogs in the area, thus people do occasionally get nipped. The dogs can be seen lying in the middle of the road during the daytime and acting aggressively and territorially at night. Anywhere is not a good place to be alone on the streets at night. Do not act terrified or flee when faced with dogs. They will flee like wildfire if you stand your ground, scream at them, and stoop down to pick up a rock.
There is seldom any crime. According to reports, it is the only location in Vietnam where bicycles and motorcycles can be kept outside at night.
People here become very complacent since it feels so safe, yet common sense must prevail because hotel rooms do get broken into when they are left unlocked.
Malaria is absent in this area. Feb. – April is mosquito season. There aren’t many mosquitoes, and their bites don’t hurt all that much. There is conventional repellant for mosquitoes, and it works. Purchase in the pharmacy, which is located across the street and to the left of the market, on the Soffell brand.
Sand flies are present all over the island. The bites hurt and are susceptible to infection. Do not scratch. Put into hot water. To relax and fall asleep, take a hot shower. Sand flies do not respond well to mosquito repellant. Use hot water, hydrocortisone cream, or antihistamine pills as treatments. Jan. to May is sand fly season.
Never consume tap water! Refill your 1-2 L water bottles to cut down on plastic waste. You can purchase cold water for 5,000 dong per liter, less than half the going rate, and you’ll contribute to lowering the island’s plastic garbage production.