Demographics Of St. Pölten

Demographics Of St. Pölten

St. Pölten has a population of 54,649 as of 1 January 2020, making it the 10th largest city in Austria and the largest city in Lower Austria. The city has a population density of 504 people per km2, which is higher than the national average of 107 people per km.

St. Pölten’s population has been growing steadily in the past decades, increasing by 11.6% from 2001 to 2020. The main factors contributing to the population growth are natural increase (more births than deaths) and positive net migration (more people moving in than out). The city attracts migrants from other parts of Austria as well as from abroad, especially from neighboring countries such as Germany, Hungary, Slovakia, and the former Yugoslavia.

St. Pölten has a population density of 504 people per km2, which is higher than the national average of 107 people per km. However, the population density varies across the city’s subdistricts, ranging from 92 people per km2 in Altmannsdorf to 3,499 people per km2 in St. Georgen am Steinfelde. The city center, where most of the historical and cultural attractions are located, has a high population density, while the outskirts and rural areas have a lower population density.

Demographic CategoryValue
Total Population54,649
Population Growth Rate11.6% (2001-2020)
Population Density504 people/km2
Median Age42.4 years
Children and Adolescents (under 18)17%
Adults (18-64)63%
Seniors (65 and over)19.9%
Female Population50.8%
Male Population49.2%

St. Pölten has a relatively young population, with 17% of its residents being under 18 years old as of 2020. This is slightly higher than the national average of 16.3%. The city has a total of 9,284 children and adolescents, of which 4,759 are male and 4,525 are female. The city provides various facilities and services for children and adolescents, such as schools, kindergartens, playgrounds, sports clubs, youth centers, and libraries.

St. Pölten has a large proportion of adults, with 63% of its residents being between 18 and 64 years old as of 2020. This is slightly lower than the national average of 66.5%. The city has a total of 34,429 adults, of which 17,241 are male and 17,188 are female. The city offers a wide range of opportunities and activities for adults, such as employment, education, culture, entertainment, shopping, and leisure.

St. Pölten has a relatively small proportion of seniors, with 19.9% of its residents being 65 years or older as of 2020. This is slightly lower than the national average of 20.1%. The city has a total of 10,936 seniors, of which 4,480 are male and 6,456 are female. The city provides various facilities and services for seniors, such as retirement homes, nursing homes, health care, social welfare, and senior clubs.

Gender Distribution in St. Pölten

St. Pölten has a balanced gender distribution, with 50.8% of its residents being female and 49.2% being male as of 2020. This is similar to the national average of 51.1% female and 48.9% male. The city has a total of 27,763 females and 26,886 males. The city promotes gender equality and diversity in all aspects of life, such as politics, education, employment, culture, and sports.

Ethnic and Cultural Diversity in St. Pölten

St. Pölten is a multicultural and multilingual city, with 23.4% of its residents having a foreign background as of 2020. This is higher than the national average of 19.7%. The city has a total of 12,795 people with a foreign background, of which 6,507 are male and 6,288 are female. The most common countries of origin are Germany (2,583), Hungary (1,254), Slovakia (1,098), Serbia (1,057), and Bosnia and Herzegovina (1,029). The city celebrates its ethnic and cultural diversity through various events and festivals, such as the International Culture Days, the World Music Festival, and the Multicultural Week.

Employment and Occupation in St. Pölten

St. Pölten has a dynamic and diversified economy, with a strong focus on services, trade, and industry. The city has a total of 3,062 businesses, of which 2,125 are in the service sector, 602 are in the trade sector, and 335 are in the industry sector as of 2020. The city’s major industries include information and communication technology, health and social care, education and research, culture and tourism, and metal and machinery.

St. Pölten has a high employment rate, with 75.1% of its residents being employed as of 2020. This is higher than the national average of 72.6%. The city has a total of 25,852 employed people, of which 13,440 are male and 12,412 are female. The city’s unemployment rate is 5.9%, which is lower than the national average of 7.4%.

St. Pölten has a moderate income level, with an average household income of € 2,640 per month as of 2020. This is lower than the national average of € 2,930 per month. The city has a total of 23,664 households, of which 11,832 are single-person households, 6,480 are two-person households, and 5,352 are three-person or more households. The city’s income distribution is relatively equal, with a Gini coefficient of 0.25, which is lower than the national average of 0.28.

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