Demographics Of Semmering

Demographics Of Semmering

With a population of 544 as of 2018 Semmering is a small municipality. From 2011, the population has dropped by 6.4%; from 1975, by 41.3%. Comparatively to the national average of 107 individuals per square kilometer, this area’s population density is 63 individuals per square kilometer—rather low. Semmering’s 50.9 year median age of its residents exceeds the national average of 44.1 years. There is an equal split in gender; 50.9% of people identify as female and 49.1% as male. Semmering boasts a limited ethnic and cultural variety; most of its citizens are Austrian nationals. Just 4.8% of the population comes from elsewhere. With 72.8% of Semmering’s citizens meeting the requirements of compulsory education, 16.8% of them meeting the requirements of secondary education, and 10.4% of them meeting the requirements of tertiary education, the residents have a modest level of educational achievement. Given Semmering’s reputation as a famous ski resort, the main source of employment and occupation for the town’s residents is clearly linked to the tourism sector. At 54.4%, the employment rate is below the national average of 72.6%. With a mean household income of 24,600 euros, which falls short of the national average of 35,000 euros, Twenty percent of households make less than 10,000 euros and another twenty percent make more than forty,000 euros, showing a slanted pattern in the income distribution.

Total Population

Population of Semmering

Statistics Austria estimates Semmering’s 2018 population to be 544. This denotes a 6.4% drop from the 551 population in 2011. From 1975, when Semmering peaked at 1,016, its population has been gradually declining. The demographic trend toward an older population, the continually low fertility rate, and the continuous rural-to- urban migration are the main elements causing the population decline.

Population Growth Trends

Population of Semmering

Semmering’s population has been dropping recently in order. Comparatively to the national average of 14.8%, the annual population change from 1975 to 2015 was 41.3%, much below. From 2000 to 2015 the population had a negative annual change of -15.3%, less than the national average of 9.2%. Comparatively to the population in 2018, the projected population for 2030 is 467, a 14.2% drop.

Population Density

Population of Semmering

With a population density of 63 individuals per square kilometer—rather low compared to the national average of 107 individuals per square kilometer— Semmering is With 8.65 square kilometres, the town is far smaller than the national average of 83,879 square kilometres. Semmering’s rural and mountainous terrain as well as declining population help to explain its meager population.

Gender Distribution in Semmering

With 50.9% of the population female and 49.1% male, Semmering has about equal gender distribution. Semmering’s female population in 2018 fell by 6.1% from the figure of 295 in 2011. Semmering’s male population in 2018 was 267, a 6.6% drop from the286 figure from 2011. With women at 51.4% and men at 48.6% of the population, Semmering’s gender balance quite closely matches the national average.

Ethnic and Cultural Diversity in Semmering

With most of its residents being Austrian nationals, Semmering has a limited degree of ethnic and cultural variety. Just 4.8% of the population comes from elsewhere. The 26 foreign nationals living in Semmering in 2018 had dropped 13.3% from the 30 recorded in 2011. For foreign citizens in Semmering, Germany, Romania, and Hungary account for the main provenance countries. Semmering boasts less ethnic and cultural variety than the national average, which is at 16.5% of foreign origin.

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