Demographics Of Perchtoldsdorf

Demographics Of Perchtoldsdorf

As of January 1, 2023, official Austrian government statistics show that the population of Perchtoldsdorf is 14,976 inhabitants. With a population density of 1,189 inhabitants per square kilometer, Perchtoldsdorf exceeds both Austria’s 107 inhabitants per square kilometer and Lower Austria’s 83 inhabitants per square kilometer. With a median age of 44.2 years, Perchtoldsdorf has an equally male and female population. With only minor percentages of other Europeans (5.4%), Asians (1.4%), Africans (0.7%), and Americans (0.6%), the population of Perchtoldsdorf is predominantly Austrian (91, 8%). The population of Perchtoldsdorf is quite varied in terms of religious affiliation. Most residents identify as Roman Catholic (63.9%), followed by Protestants (4.4%), Orthodox (3.1%), Muslims (2.2%), and a notable portion either has no religious affiliation or belongs to another religious group (26.4%).

Population of Perchtoldsdorf15,476 (estimated for 2024)
Population Density1,228/km²
Population Growth Trends+16.9% from 1975 to 2015, +6.3% from 2000 to 2015, +0.44% annually
Demographic ProfilesMedian Age: 44.7 years, Male Median Age: 43.7 years, Female Median Age: 45.6 years
Age Distribution0-14 years: 14.9%, 15-64 years: 64.3%, 65+ years: 20.8%
Gender DistributionMale: 47.6%, Female: 52.4%
Ethnicity and Cultural DiversityAustrian: 91.8%, German: 2.1%, Turkish: 1.1%, Other: 5%

Just behind Mödling, Perchtoldsdorf has the second largest municipality in the district with a population of 15,476 in 2024. This area has a much higher population density than the combined average population density of Lower Austria and Austria . With an increase of 16.9% since 1975 and 6.3% since 2000, the population of Perchtoldsdorf has grown significantly over the years. This expansion demonstrates the attractiveness of Perchtoldsdorf as a suburb close to Vienna.

The median age of Perchtoldsdorf’s population is 44.7 years, slightly above the national median of 43.8 years. The age distribution of Perchtoldsdorf is as follows:

  • Children and adolescents (0-19 years): 18.9%
  • Adults (20-64 years): 58.9%
  • Seniors (65 years and over): 22.2%

Perchtoldsdorf has a slightly higher female population; women represent 52.4% of the total, while men represent 47.6%. These statistics correspond to the national gender ratio of 51.4% female and 48.6% male.

Rich in cultural tapestry, Perchtoldsdorf has a significant population from diverse backgrounds. Among its citizens, approximately 18.4% had at least one parent born abroad or themselves born elsewhere. Germany (3.7%), Serbia (2.7%), Turkey (2.1%), Bosnia and Herzegovina (1.6%) and Croatia (1.5%) make up the population foreign region of Perchtoldsdorf, the majority of which is accompanied by a small Jewish community with a synagogue. and a cemetery dating from the 15th century.

The population of Perchtoldsdorf is highly educated; a good number of them have completed higher, secondary and compulsory education. Perchtoldsdorf boasts four main schools, two secondary schools, a music school and a vocational school among its educational offerings.

With 75.4% of the workforce in the service sector, Perchtoldsdorf’s economy largely depends on it. With 18.9% of the active population, the industrial sector follows closely; the agricultural sector hires 5.7%. Among the vibrant activities of Perchtoldsdorf are winemaking, tourism, trade and work for people with disabilities. With a remarkably low unemployment rate of 3.9%, well below the national average of 5.4%, Perchtoldsdorf is showing off.

With an average household income of 54,800 euros per year, Perchtoldsdorf can boast of having a high-income population. This figure exceeds both the average income of Lower Austria (49,900 euros) and that of Austria as a whole (47,400 euros). Perchtoldsdorf’s income distribution is shown here:

  • Lowest quintile (20% of households): 14,600 euros
  • Second quintile: 28,900 euros
  • Third quintile: 42,600 euros
  • Fourth quintile: 60,500 euros
  • Highest quintile: 103,100 euros
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