
The Wasserwald is a park in Linz’s Kleinmünchen-Auwiesen district with significant woodland and meadow sections that serves as a local recreation and water protection area. It covers an area of about 110 hectares and is home to a variety of flora and fauna, including rare orchids, butterflies, birds, and bats.

The park is surrounded by the streets Am Langen Zaun, the Mühlkreis Autobahn, Hausleitnerweg, Müller-Guttenbrunn-Straße, Spaunstraße, Schwindstraße, Zötlweg, Angerholzerweg, Prechtlerstraße, Zeillergang, Wimmerstraße, Eullerstraße, Urnenhain Kleinmünchen, and the sports field in Kleinmünchen/ Pestalozzistrasse. Within the park, there are several trails, playgrounds, picnic areas, and a dog park for visitors to enjoy.

One of the most interesting features of the Wasserwald is the Scharlinz waterworks, located in the eastern side of the water forest. The waterworks is a historical monument that dates back to the late 19th century. It was built by Rumpel & Niklas from Teplitz in 1891-1893 and supplied drinking water to the city of Linz until 1965. The mechanical equipment was provided by Prager Maschinenbau AG. The waterworks consists of a main wing with a water tower, a modest hall that connects it to an associated residential structure, and an octagonal fountain house that houses the pumps and filters. The waterworks was thoroughly refurbished in 2008 and 2009 and now conforms to the original complex from 1893.

The Wasserwald Linz is a unique park that combines nature, history, and culture. It is a place where people can relax, learn, and explore. It is also a place that protects the precious resource of water and reminds us of its importance for life. The Wasserwald Linz is a green oasis in the city that deserves more attention and appreciation.

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