Vienna Roman Museum

The Roman Museum in the Hohen Markt transports visitors back in time to ancient Vienna. New technologies provide a complete study at the historic Roman military camp as well as the city of “Vindobona.”

Remnants from the Roman Empire, such as the remnants of the tribunal houses from the military camp, and 300 remarkable archaeological finds in Vienna illuminate the complete spectrum of Roman life in the second and third century A.D. Ordinary artifacts and cult items are on show, as well as construction pieces, statues, and toys, drain covers and tableware, idols, and decorations. The newest 3-D technology, sketches, and wall paintings depict a perspective of what life would have been like back then.

The military camp was established in the year 97 A.D. to guard the Roman Empire’s northern boundary. At its peak, Vindobona housed approximately 30,000 people, a mix of local people and immigrants from all across the Roman Empire. Everyday living was quite pleasant, as evidenced by the exhibition. There were covered sidewalks, canals, pure water, pubs, thermal baths, theaters, and stores. A new sort of video guide augments the documentation by presenting information not just in German and English, but also in sign language. At specific gaming stations and 3-D puzzles, children may learn about Roman daily life.

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