Pharmacy Zum Goldenen Löwen

The Pharmacy Zum Goldenen Löwen (also Hassack Pharmacy after August Hassack ) was first documented in 1545, making it St. Pölten’s oldest pharmacy and shop.It started off as a landscape pharmacy.However, unlike others, it no longer bears this classification today.

The structure, which fundamentally originates from the early 16th century, was constructed on a long, narrow lot.The baroque façade of this home, which has a characteristic hipped mansard roof on the front wing, was designed by Joseph Munggenast.This is broken up by little dormers and joins to a gabled roof.The front is rhythmically formed by pilasters with composite capitals atop a banded ground level.In the roof area, there is a blind story.Grooved wall templates draw attention to the edge axis.A circular connecting piece with grooved templates holds the facades of Wienerstraße and Kremsergasse together like a hinge.The canopy of the baroque “Madonna with the Crown of Stars” (the original is in a window niche in the City Museum’s big display room) highlights this compact edge of the building, widely known as the “sharp corner.”The main facade at Kremsergasse has a stucco embellishment on the front gable.In the bel etage’s eastern parapet field. The sandstone coat of arms of the 1609 apothecary Joseph Königsdorffer may be found on Wienerstraße. It depicts an armored arm wielding an axe.The precise meaning is unknown, however it is associated with high jurisdiction.

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