
Kirchmayr House is a residential and business structure on Linz’s main plaza.

The Kirchmayr House has a long and fascinating history. It was originally a Gothic home that dates back to the 15th century. From 1698 to 1723, it was the residence of Johann Baptist Spaz, a famous painter and sculptor who worked for the Habsburg court. Spaz decorated the interior of the house with his artworks, some of which are still preserved today.

In 1907, the house was demolished and rebuilt as a commercial structure for Funke & Loos, a textile company. The architect was Gustav Steinberger, a master builder who also designed several other buildings in Linz. Steinberger gave the house a late historicist style, with neo-baroque elements and a symmetrical facade. The house had four stories, but the top one was removed in 1982 due to structural problems.

The Kirchmayr House is a striking example of the architectural diversity and evolution of Linz. The house features a projecting base zone that aligns with the building line of the plaza. The upper levels are dominated by a central bay that is supported by corbels and topped by a triangular pediment. The windows are framed by elaborate stucco ornaments and corner ashlars. The first and second floors have elegant lattice balustrades, while the third floor has simple rectangular windows. The entrance to the house is marked by a horseshoe-shaped staircase with a cast iron railing.

The Kirchmayr House is not only a historic landmark, but also a vibrant part of the city’s life. The ground floor hosts various shops and cafes, while the upper floors are used as offices and apartments. The house is also a popular tourist attraction, as it offers a stunning view of the Hauptplatz and the nearby landmarks, such as the Trinity Column and the Old Town Hall.

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