Johann Benda Park

Johann-Benda-Park is a park in Vienna’s Favoriten neighborhood.The Johann-Benda-Park is a natural park of approximately 52,000 m2 located on the old Wienerberg lands in the district of Inzersdorf-Stadt.Between the A23 Südwesttangente, Pfarrgasse, Baron-Karl-Gasse, and Neilreichgasse is the park.In addition to wide meadows and trees, the park has a playground for small children, children and young people, a beach volleyball court, a sand and mud area, a sand playground, a dog zone, a water fountain, and the BenFILECH pond.

On October 8, 1987, the municipal council committee for culture of the city of Vienna dedicated the park and pond after district councilor and master baker Johann Benda (1858-1911).

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