
The Erlachpark, commonly known as Park Erlachplatz, is a park in Vienna’s Favoriten neighborhood.

The Erlachpark is a 4500 m2 park in the Favoriten district.The park is located within the Erlachplatz and contains an ancient tree stock.Asphalt was laid down in previously existing meadow areas.The park also has a toddler, children, and youth playground, a soccer field, a basketball court, a sand playground, and a water fountain, as well as seasonal park monitoring by the Kinderfreunde Vienna.The park is available for filming and may be reserved through the Vienna Film Commission.

The Erlachpark is named after the Erlachplatz, which is located inside it.On April 20, 1875, the plaza was renamed Marktplatz after the baroque builder Johann Bernhard Fischer von Erlach (1656-1723), who designed the Karlskirche among other things.At the time, the district’s counter-proposal to rename the plaza Alxingerplatz was lost.

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