
The Donaupark is a 632,966-square-meter park in Vienna’s 22nd district, Donaustadt.

The Donaupark is easily accessible via Wagramer Straße, the Bruckhaufen hamlet, Arbeiterstrandbadstraße, and Hubertusdamm.The UNO-City, which includes the Vienna International Center and the Austria Center Vienna, is immediately adjacent to the Donaupark, which originally extended as far as Wagramer Straße, to the south of which is the Donau City and then, with the Donauinsel to the Neue Donau, the former Copa Cagrana, which has been renamed Copa Beach since 2018.The Donaupark, with its beach baths, has its northern edge along the Upper Old Danube.

The Donaupark is easily accessible by public transportation, bicycle, and vehicle.The U1 line through the Alte Donau or Kaisermühlen/VIC stations, or bus routes 20B, 90A, 91A, and 92A.The Donaupark is closely connected to the Viennese network of cycling paths.The park is also accessible by automobile through the Reichsbrücke and the Brigittenauer Brücke.There is a small parking lot directly next to the Danube Tower, and bigger parking lots can be found along Arbeiterstrandbadstraße, the largest of which is near the intersection of Donauturmstraße.

The park offers a variety of recreational opportunities.Playgrounds, skate parks, and public tennis courts are available.You may take a 3.3-kilometer journey of the park on the Donauparkbahn, a park train with a gauge of 381 millimeters.During the summer months, the Donaustadt cultural group organizes free concerts on the Donaupark stage.

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