Altaussee Literature Museum

The Altaussee Literature Museum is a literature museum in Altaussee, Austria’s Salzkammergut area.It is at the Altaussee Kur- und Amtshaus.

Alois Mayrhuber created the museum in 1970 as a literature and local history museum.Threatened with closure, it relocated in 2005, thanks to the involvement of writer Barbara Frischmuth, from the Steinberghaus (Salzwelten Altaussee show mine) to the Kur- und Amtshaus in Altaussee’s center.

The collection focuses on Altaussee-based writers such as Hugo von Hofmannsthal, Friedrich Torberg, and Jakob Wassermann.A permanent display featuring text and image material, historical exhibits, and audio and video samples is housed in the museum.A book flea market, book shop, reading room, and literary garden should all help to spread the word about literature.

There are frequent readings by current writers over the summer.The Literature Museum also serves as the starting point for the “LiteraTour,” a literary tour of Altaussee.

An annual “Salinenstipendium” is given in collaboration with Salinen Austria AG.The sponsored scientific endeavor should either deal with an Ausseerland historical theme or with an Ausseerland-related writer.

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