Demographics Of Linz
With a population of 206,595, Linz ranked third among all cities in Austria after Vienna and Graz in the 2020 census. Reflecting a good development trend, the population of Linz increased by 7.4% between 2010 and 2020. With 1,894 people per square kilometer, above the national average of 108 people per square kilometer, the population density of Linz was with a median age of 40.6 years contrary to the national norm. of 43.8 years, Linz has a varied and young population.
With 50.3% of the population female and 49.7% male, Linz’s gender distribution was balanced. With 24.5% of the population having an immigrant background, meaning either their parents or themselves were born outside of Austria, Linz was also home to a range of ethnic and cultural groups. Among the most common countries of origin for immigrants to Linz were Germany, Turkey, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Romania and Syria. With 87.9% of the population having at least a secondary education and 26.4% holding a higher education degree, Linz has high levels of educational achievement.
Large companies such as steel, chemicals, automobiles, electronics and software made up Linz’s robust and varied economy. At 72.3%, Linz’s employment rate was rather lower than the national average of 74.8%. At 46,800 euros per year, the average household income in Linz exceeds the national average of 44,600 euros per year. With a Gini coefficient of 0.26, Linz’s income distribution was very equal to the national average of 0.28.
Category | Value |
Total Population | 208,230 (estimated for 2024) |
Population Growth Trends | 0.55% annual growth rate (1991-2024) |
Population Density | 1,276 inhabitants per km<sup>2</sup> |
Age Distribution in Linz | 16.3% 0-17 years, 64.8% 18-64 years, 18.8% 65+ years |
Gender Distribution in Linz | 48.9% males, 51.1% females |
Ethnic and Cultural Diversity in Linz | 19.4% foreign-born residents, mainly from Germany, Turkey, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Romania, and Syria |
Table Of Contents
- 1 Population of Linz
- 2 Age Distribution in Linz
- 3 Gender Distribution in Linz
- 4 Ethnic and Cultural Diversity in Linz
- 5 Employment Rates
- 6 Income Levels in Linz
- 7 Related Articles
- 7.1 Linz
- 7.2 Churches and Cathedrals In Linz
- 7.3 Museums In Linz
- 7.4 Theaters In Linz
- 7.5 Cinemas In Linz
- 7.6 Lakes In Linz
- 7.7 Castles And Palaces In Linz
- 7.8 Food & Drinks In Linz
- 7.9 Nightlife in Linz
- 7.10 Festivals & Events In Linz
- 7.11 Shopping in Linz
- 7.12 Streets And Squares In Linz
- 7.13 Attractions & Landmarks In Linz
- 7.14 How To Get Around In Linz
- 7.15 Geography Of Linz
- 7.16 Weather & Climate In Linz
- 7.17 Districts & Neighborhoods in Linz
- 7.18 Economy Of Linz
- 7.19 Parks and Recreation Areas in Linz
- 7.20 Culture and Local Tradition of Linz
- 7.21 Architecture Of Linz
- 7.22 History Of Linz
- 7.23 Best Time To Visit Linz
- 7.24 How To Get To Linz
- 7.25 Accommodations & Hotels In Linz
- 8 Go Next...
Population of Linz
Official city statistics show that the overall population of Linz was 206,595 as of January 1, 2020. Compared to the 2010 census, when the population was 192,342, this represented an increase of 7.4%. With 8,902,600 inhabitants as of January 1, 2020, the population of Linz represented 2.3% of the total population of Austria.
Population Growth Trends
Since the 1950s, when the first ever count of 100,000 inhabitants took place in Linz, the city’s population has gradually increased. From 2010 to 2020, the rate of increase of Linz’s population was 0.7% per year, above the national average of 0.5% each year. Natural increase – the gap between births and deaths – and net migration – the difference between immigration and emigration – were the main causes of the increase in Linz’s population. From 2010 to 2020, Linz experienced a net migration of 8,399 people and a natural increase of 5,857 people. Linz’s natural increase was positive, meaning there were more births than deaths, and Linz’s net migration was positive, meaning more immigrants than emigrants. While Linz’s net migration was primarily due to the city’s economic opportunities and cultural diversity, the young age structure of the population was responsible for most of Linz’s natural increase.
Population Density
Official city data shows that the population density of Linz as of January 1, 2020 was 1,894 people per square kilometer. This exceeded the national average of 108 people per square kilometer as well as the averages of other major Austrian cities such as Vienna (4,326 people per square kilometer), Graz (1,636 people per square kilometer) and Salzburg (1,502 people per square kilometer ). With a total area of 109.36 square kilometers, Linz’s population density reflects the urbanization and compactness of the city.
Age Distribution in Linz
According to official city figures, Linz’s population was on the young side – median age of 40.6 years as of January 1, 2020 – but this was lower than the national median of 43.8 years and the median of other large Austrian cities like Salzburg (42.4 years). years), Graz (41.8 years) and Vienna (41.2 years). The proportion of children and adolescents (aged 0 to 19 years) in the population, which amounted to 18.9%, corresponded to the young age structure of Linz, i.e. the national average of 18.5%. As of January 1, 2020, Linz had 39,045 children and adolescents; of these, 19,857 were men and 19,188 were women.
In addition, the population of Linz differs from the national average of 60.9% by the high number of adults (aged 20 to 64 years), i.e. 61.7%. As of January 1, 2020, Linz had a total of 127,431 adults, including 63,318 men and 64,113 women. Compared to the national average of 58.3%, adults in Linz were predominantly of working age (15 to 64 years), making up 58.9% of the total population. As of January 1, 2020, the working-age population of Linz was 121,635; Of these, 60,516 were men and 61,119 were women.
Common in most industrialized countries, the aging trend has also affected the population of Linz. Compared to the national average of 20.6%, Linz’s population was 19.4% elderly (65 years and over). As of January 1, 2020, Linz had a total of 40,119 elderly people, including 15,917 men and 24,202 women. According to World Health Organization estimates from 2019, older people in Linz had a higher life expectancy than the national average, which was 81.6 years for men and 85.4 years for women. In Linz, men had a life expectancy of 82.1 years and women 86.1 years.
Gender Distribution in Linz
Officially, Linz had a balanced gender distribution: as of January 1, 2020, 50.3% of the population were women and 49.7% were men. This matched the national average, which was 50.6% female and 49.4% male. Linz had 103,903 women and 102,692 men. At 99.2 men per 100 women, the gender ratio in Linz exceeded the national average of 97.7 men per 100 women. The gender ratio in Linz changed with age group; more men than women in the younger age groups (0 to 44 years) and more women than men in the older age groups (45 years and over). Migration trends have also affected the gender ratio in Linz; more men than women emigrated to the city.
Ethnic and Cultural Diversity in Linz
Officially, Linz was a varied and cosmopolitan city with 24.5% of the population having an immigrant background as of January 1, 2020. They or their parents were therefore born outside Austria. This figure exceeds the national average of 19.7% as well as the averages of other major Austrian cities such as Salzburg (21.2%), Vienna (38.4%) and Graz (22.8%). There were 50,614 people with a migrant background in Linz, 25,348 men and 25,266 women. For migrants in Linz, Germany (8,525), Turkey (6,386), Bosnia and Herzegovina (5,237), Romania (4,123) and Syria (3,747) were the most common countries of origin. more frequent. With many languages and religions spoken and practiced in Linz, immigrants have helped add to the city’s linguistic and religious variety.
Employment Rates
Official Linz figures show an employment rate of 72.3% as of January 1, 2020. Therefore, 72.3% of people aged 15 and over worked full-time or part-time. This figure is slightly lower than the national average of 74.8% and the averages of other major Austrian cities, including Vienna (73.8%), Graz (75.4%) and Salzburg (76.2%). In Linz there were a total of 105,454 people employed, of which 52,833 were men and 52,621 were women. Age group affected Linz’s employment rate; younger and middle-aged groups (15 to 54 years) had higher rates, while older groups (55 years and older) had lower rates. The level of education also affected Linz’s employment rate; higher rates for more educated groups (ISCED 5 to 8) and lower rates for less educated groups (ISCED 1 to 4).
Income Levels in Linz
Above the national average of 44,600 euros per year, Linz’s average household income of 46,800 euros was also higher than that of other major Austrian cities, including Vienna (45,200 euros), Graz (44,800 euros). ) and Salzburg (46,400 euros). By dividing the total income of all households by the number of households, Linz was able to estimate the average income of each household. With 82,600 households in Linz and a total income of 3,861 million euros, all households benefited
With a Gini coefficient of 0.26, Linz’s income distribution was very equal to the national average of 0.28. Measuring economic disparities, the Gini coefficient ranges from 0 (perfect equality) to 1 (perfect inequality). Furthermore, the income distribution of other large Austrian cities, including Vienna (0.27), Graz (0.26) and Salzburg (0.25), was comparable to that of Linz. Equipped with equivalent household disposable income, i.e. income after taxes and transfers, adjusted for household size and composition, Linz’s income distribution was based on Households in Linz had a equivalent disposable income ranging from 9,600 euros per year for the lowest 10% to 79,200 euros. annual euros for the 10% best performers.