Demographics Of Leoben

Demographics Of Leoben

Municipal statistics for Leoben indicate that as of January 11, 2024, the town’s total population was 28,481, of which 14,460 were males and 14,021 were females. Leoben had 3,835 secondary residents and 24,646 primary residents. Leoben resided in 13,531 houses.

The total area of ​​Leoben is 107.77 km2, of which 78.69% is forest land, 9.03% is agricultural land, 5.27% is building land, 4.50% is other, 1.19% water, 0.84% ​​alps and 0.48% gardens. Leoben has an average altitude of 540 meters above sea level; the highest point is 1,643 meters (Wetterkogel).

Leoben’s population density, 264.2 inhabitants per km2, is lower than Austria’s 106.8 inhabitants per km2 and Styria’s 125.5 inhabitants per km2. The distribution of Leoben’s population is uneven; most of the population lives in the urban area, which covers 9.3 km2 and has 19,849 inhabitants; the rest live in rural areas, covering 98.47 km2 and having a population of 8,499.

Population Age and Gender

The population of Leoben has a median age of 45.3 years, which is higher than the median age of Styria (43.8 years) and Austria. In Leoben, the median age of women is 47.9 years while that of men is 42.6 years. The population of Leoben has an age distribution as follows:

– 0-14 years: 12.6% (3,600)
– 15-64 years: 61.6% (17,552)
– 65 years and over: 25.8% (7,362)

The population of Leoben has a gender ratio of 97.6 men per 100 women, lower than the gender ratios in Styria (98.6 men per 100 women) and Austria.

Population Ethnicity and Nationality

The population of Leoben is mainly Austrian; 93.2% of them are Austrian nationals. German (1.6%), Turkish (1.2%), Bosnian (0.9%) and Croatian (0.8%) are the main foreign nationalities in Leoben. Although official records on the ethnic composition of Leoben’s population are lacking, most citizens are believed to be Germanic, with Slavic, Turkish, and other minorities.

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