Demographics Of Grundlsee
Grundlsee has 1199 residents as of the 2018 census, of whom 50.5% are men and 49.5% are women. The 7.9 people per km² population density is below than the 106 national average. Ninety-two percent of the population is an Austrian citizen; the other people are mostly from Germany, Hungary, and Romania. Roman Catholicism makes up the majority (82.2%) followed by Islam (1.3%) and Protestantism (5.3%). The remainder practice other religions or are not affiliated with any religion at all. Ausseerisch, a dialect of Central Bavarian, is the local dialect; German is the official language.
Age Group | Male | Female | Total |
Under 5 | 28 | 20 | 48 |
5-9 | 24 | 17 | 41 |
10-14 | 27 | 29 | 57 |
15-19 | 29 | 29 | 58 |
20-24 | 30 | 29 | 60 |
25-29 | 34 | 35 | 69 |
30-34 | 40 | 38 | 78 |
35-39 | 37 | 41 | 79 |
40-44 | 44 | 47 | 91 |
45-49 | 56 | 52 | 108 |
50-54 | 54 | 58 | 113 |
55-59 | 34 | 53 | 87 |
60-64 | 37 | 45 | 83 |
65-69 | 42 | 36 | 79 |
70-74 | 34 | 52 | 86 |
75-79 | 22 | 36 | 59 |
80-84 | 30 | 26 | 56 |
85 Plus | 11 | 24 | 36 |
Table Of Contents
- 1 Population Size and Growth
- 2 Population Density and Distribution
- 3 Population Age and Gender
- 4 Population Ethnicity and Nationality
- 5 Related Articles
- 5.1 Grundlsee
- 5.2 Accommodations & Hotels In Grundlsee
- 5.3 Food & Drinks In Grundlsee
- 5.4 Things To Do In Grundlsee
- 5.5 Attractions & Landmarks In Grundlsee
- 5.6 How To Get In Grundlsee
- 5.7 Best Time To Visit Grundlsee
- 5.8 History Of Grundlsee
- 5.9 Economy Of Grundlsee
- 5.10 Weather & Climate In Grundlsee
- 5.11 Geography Of Grundlsee
- 5.12 Tourism In Grundlsee
- 5.13 Nightlife in Grundlsee
- 6 Go Next...
Population Size and Growth
Relatively speaking, Grundlsee is getting smaller. 1,199 persons lived in Grundlsee at the 2018 census, 613 of them were male and 667 of them were female.At 1,332 residents at the 2000 census, Grundlsee saw a 3.9% decline.There has been a persistent depopulation trend as seen by the -11.6% population reduction between 1975 and 2015.
Grundlsee is growing at a slower rate than its district, state, and national averages.From 2000 to 2015, the population of Liezen, the district to which Grundlsee belongs, fell by 5.6%, although the population of Styria, the state to which Grundlsee belongs, rose by 2.7%.The population of Austria, to which Grundlsee belongs, grew by 6.1% between 2000 and 2015.
Future population declines of Grundlsee are anticipated to continue.By 2100, the population of Grundlsee may have decreased by 34.2% from 2018 to 789, according to historical and projected statistics.Estimated growth rate for the next ten years is -8.9%.
Population Density and Distribution
Grundlsee has a spread out population distribution and a low population density. Grundlsee’s population density of 8.43 persons per km² is lower than that of Liezen (24.0 people per km²), Styria (74.4 people per km²), and Austria (101.6 people per km²).Five settlements along the banks of the Grundlsee lake make up the population of Grundlsee: Grundlsee, Archkogl, Bräuhof, Gößl, and Mosern.At 35.66 km² and 583 residents, Grundlsee is the biggest village.
Population Age and Gender
The population in Grundlsee is aging and somewhat dominated by women. Grundlsee’s median age of 48 years old is greater than those of Liezen (44.7 years), Styria (43.2 years), and Austria (42.3 years).The median age of men is 46.2 years, and of women it is 49.7 years.52.6% of the people are women and 47.4% are men.
Grundlsee’s population age structure indicates that, while the younger and older age groups are smaller, the bulk of the population is over 15 and under 65.In 2011, the population was divided into three groups: 63.6% was between the ages of 15 and 64, 11.6% was under 15, and 24.8% was over 65.With 108 individuals, the biggest age group was 45–49 years old; with 36 individuals, the smallest age group was 85 years and older.
Population Ethnicity and Nationality
With only a small number of other ethnicities and nations, Grundlsee is mostly home to German and Austrian speakers. The population was 97.1% Austrian, 1.4% German, and 1.5% foreign national as of the 2001 census. German, the official language of Austria and the Ausseerland region, is the most widely spoken language in Grundlsee. Speaking languages in Grundlsee are English, Hungarian, Croatian, and Slovenian.