Demographics Of Grossarl

Demographics Of Grossarl

Grossarl had a total population of 3,825 at the 2018 census, or 29.6 persons per square kilometer. Slightly less than the national average of 4.5%, the population growth rate from 2000 to 2018 was 3.4%. The population’s median age of 37.5 years old is more than the 36.7 year national median. Comparable to the national ratio of 50.5% male to 49.5% female, the gender distribution was 51% male and 49% female. At 98.7% of the population, German is the first language spoken in Grossarl.

Grossarl has little ethnic and cultural variety; 94.4% of the population is Roman Catholic and 97.9% is an Austrian citizen. Grossarl has a high level of educational achievement; 18.5% of the population has finished university education and 87.2% has finished at least secondary school.

At 42.7% of the workforce, the tourism sector has the most impact on Grossarl’s employment and occupation. In 2018 Grossarl’s unemployment rate was 2.8%, lower than the 4.9% national average. Grossarl has above average household incomes, with a mean of 47,600 euros and a median of 42,900 euros annually. Grossarl’s income distribution is somewhat equal; its Gini coefficient of 0.25 is less than the national average of 0.28.

Demographic CategoryValue or Description
Total Population3,825
Population Growth Rate (2000-2018)3.4%
Population Density (people per km2)29.6
Median Age (years)37.5
Sex Ratio (males per 100 females)104.3
Austrian Citizens (%)97.9
German Speakers (%)98.7
Roman Catholics (%)94.4
Secondary Education or Higher (%)87.2
Tertiary Education (%)18.5
Employed Population (%)64.9
Unemployment Rate (%)2.8
Major IndustriesTourism, Agriculture, Construction, Other Services, Manufacturing
Mean Household Income (euros per year)47,600
Median Household Income (euros per year)42,900
Gini Coefficient0.25

Total Population

Population of Grossarl

The 2018 census figures for Grossarl showed a population of 3,825 persons overall. Grossarl is therefore the 1,057th largest municipality in Austria and the 11th largest in the St. Johann im Pongau region. Since 2000, when Grossarl had 3,697 residents, the population has grown by 3.4%. This is marginally less than the 4.5% population increase rate of Austria during the same time frame.

Population Growth Trends

Population of Grossarl

With sporadic variations, Grossarl’s population growth patterns indicate that the town has been growing steadily since the 1970s. When Grossarl’s population growth rate peaked in the 1980s, it was 9.8% between 1981 and 1991. When it fell by 0.4% between 1991 and 2001, Grossarl’s population growth rate was at its lowest. Grossarl’s population growth rate stabilised in the 2000s and 2010s, averaging 3.4% between 2001 and 2018.

Population Density

Population of Grossarl

Per the census statistics from 2018, Grossarl had a population density of 29.6 persons per square kilometer. In the St. Johann im Pongau region, Grossarl is therefore the tenth most populous municipality and the 1,011th most populous municipality overall in Austria. Since 2000, when it was 28.6 persons per square kilometer, Grossarl’s population density has climbed by 3.3%. This is marginally less than the 4.4% increase rate in population density of Austria during the same time frame.

Age Distribution in Grossarl

Children and Adolescents

Age Distribution in Grossarl

Grossarl’s children and adolescents are people under the age of eighteen. In Grossarl, there were 819 children and teenagers as of the 2018 census, or 21.4% of the whole population. It is less than the 22.2% of children and teenagers in Austria overall. The bulk of the youngsters and teenagers in Grossarl fall into the age range of 10 to 14 years old, followed by the age groups of 5 to 9 years old and 15 to 17 years old. The youngest age group in Grossarl is 0 to 4 years old.


Age Distribution in Grossarl

The persons living in Grossarl who are between the ages of 18 and 64 are considered its adults. At the 2018 census, Grossarl had 2,362 adults, or 61.8% of the total population. This exceeds the 60.8% national percentage of adults in Austria. The bulk of adults in Grossarl fall into the 35–44 year old age range, followed by the 45–54 year old age range and the 25–34 year old age range. Grossarl’s adult population is lowest in the 18–24 year old age group.


Age Distribution in Grossarl

Seniors in Grossarl are defined as anyone 65 years of age and older. 644 seniors made up 16.8% of Grossarl’s population as of the 2018 census. This is less than the 17% senior share in Austria as a whole. The bulk of the seniors in Grossarl fall into the 65–74 year old age range, followed by the 75–84 year old age range and the 85 years old and above age range.

Gender Distribution in Grossarl

The gender distribution of Grossarl indicates that the town has somewhat more men than women. With 1,926 men and 1,846 women living in Grossarl at the 2018 census, there were 104.3 males for every 100 females. This exceeds the 101.5 male to 100 female national sex ratio in Austria. Age groups differ in the proportion of Grossarl’s males to females; certain age groups have more males than females. The age categories 0–4 years old, 10–14 years old, 15–17 years old, 25–34 years old, 35–44 years old, and 65–74 years old had more men than girls. 5–9 years old, 18–24 years old, 45–54 years old, 55–64 years old, 75–84 years old, and 85 years old and older are the age categories with more females than men.

Ethnic and Cultural Diversity in Grossarl

Grossarl is mostly inhabited by Austrians who speak German as their first language and follow Roman Catholicism, hence there is little ethnic and cultural variety in the town. At the 2018 census, Grossarl’s population was 94.4% Roman Catholic, 98.7% German-speaking, and 97.9% Austrian. 5.6% of Grossarl’s population adhered to other faiths or none at all, 1.3% spoke other languages as their first tongue, and 2.1% were foreign citizens. German (0.7%), Croatian (0.4%) and Hungarian (0.2%) were the most prevalent foreign citizenships in Grossarl. English (0.4%), Croatian (0.3%) and Hungarian (0.2%) were the most often spoken other languages in Grossarl. Protestant (1.8%), Orthodox (1.2%), and no religion (1.1%) were the most often practiced other faiths in Grossarl.

Educational Attainment in Grossarl

Grossarl has high educational attainment; most people have finished at least secondary school, and a sizable percentage have finished further education. As of the 2018 census, 18.5% of Grossarl’s inhabitants 15 years of age and over had completed university education, and 87.2% had finished secondary school. 12.8% of Grossarl’s inhabitants 15 years of age and older had not finished primary school. The degree of education in Grossarl varies according to gender; women are more educated than men are. 90.2% of women and 84.4% of men had finished at least secondary school, while 21.9% of women and 15.3% of men had finished university education, of the Grossarl population 15 years of age and older.

Employment and Occupation in Grossarl

The jobs and industries that the Grossarl people work in are a reflection of the economic activities and sectors of the society. In Grossarl, 64.9% of the population 15 years of age and over was employed, 1,857 people, according to the 2018 census. In 2018 Grossarl’s unemployment rate was 2.8%, lower than the 4.9% national average. Gender differences exist in Grossarl employment and occupation rates; males are more likely than females to be employed and unemployed. Within the Grossarl population of 15 years of age and older, 60.5% of women and 69.4% of men worked, while 2.4% of men and 2.4% of women were jobless.

Major Industries

Employment and Occupation in Grossarl

Grossarl’s principal industries illustrate the many fields in which the working population is employed. As to the 2018 census, Grossarl’s main industries were:

  • Tourism: Providing 42.7% of the working population in Grossarl, tourism is the biggest sector there. It covers things like lodging, meals and beverages, travel, leisure, and entertainment. The natural beauty, ski resorts, and mountain residences of Grossarl make it a well-liked wintertime travel destination.
  • Agriculture: At 17.4% of the working population in Grossarl, agriculture is the second-biggest industry. Among its many pursuits are farming, animal care, forestry, and fishing. Organic goods, cheese-making, and dairy farming are among Grossarl’s specialties.
  • Construction: Third-largest industry in Grossarl, construction employs 10.8% of the working population. Building, civil engineering, and installation are among the things it covers. There is a great need for building in Grossarl, particularly for infrastructure and facilities associated to tourism.
  • Other Services: With 10.6% of the working population, this industry is the fourth biggest in Grossarl. It include services for the home, social, personal, and health as well as education. There are several services in Grossarl to meet the demands of both the locals and the tourists.
  • Manufacturing: At 8.8% of the workforce, manufacturing is Grossarl’s fifth-largest industry. Processing of food, textiles, metals, and wood is included. Small yet varied, Grossarl’s manufacturing industry produces items for both home and foreign markets.

Income Levels in Grossarl

Employment and Occupation in Grossarl

The Grossarl income levels display the total and distribution of money that the people get from their jobs and other sources. The 2018 census reported that Grossarl’s median household income was 42,900 euros and its mean household income was 47,600 euros annually. Grossarl has above average income levels; they exceed the 45,800 euros yearly mean household income and the 40,600 euros yearly median household income. The kind of household determines the Grossarl income levels; certain household types have greater income levels than others. Couples with children earn 54,100 euros annually, single parents with children earn 49,800 euros annually, and couples without children earn 48,900 euros annually. Single people’ annual incomes are 32,400 euros, other households’ is 31,900 euros, and multi-person households’ is 30,800 euros.

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