Demographics Of Gosau
Gosau is a little, rural town with a high elderly population percentage and a low population density. Mostly composed of Germans and Austrians, it is one of the few Lutheran settlements in all of Austria. Gosau is mostly an agricultural, tourist, and timber-producing region, with comparatively high income and educational levels among its people.
Gosau had a population of 1,820 at the 2023 census, of whom 875 were male and 945 were female.This is a 9.5% decline from the 2,012 person population in 2000.
From the 1970s, when it peaked at 2,423 people, Gosau’s population has been falling. This tendency is mostly caused by the low birth rate, high mortality rate, and negative net migration rate.It is expected that Gosau’s population will keep falling, to 1,670 by 2030.
Gosau is home to 16 inhabitants per square kilometer, based on its 113.41 square kilometer total area. This is far less than the 107 persons per square kilometer average population density of Austria.
Age Distribution in Gosau
At 23.8% of the population overall, Gosau has a low proportion of children and teenagers. That is less than the 28.6% national average. Gosau’s population median age of 45.9 years old is greater than the 43.9 year national norm.
At sixty-five percent of the population, Gosau is mostly composed of adults. It is over the 57.8% national average.Gosau’s adult population is mostly between the ages of 25 and 64; males average 44.7 years old, and females 47.1 years old.
At 15.7% of the population overall, Gosau has a particularly high proportion of senior citizens. That is more than the 13.6% national average. Gosau’s senior population averages 72.4 years old, which is higher than the 70.4 year national average.
Ethnic and Cultural Diversity in Gosau
Gosau is a mainly homogenous town with little ethnic and cultural variety. At the 2023 census, 94.3% of Gosau’s population was born in Austria and 97.6% was a citizen of that country.German (1.6%), Romanian (0.8%) and Hungarian (0.4%) were the most often held foreign citizenships.German (98.6%), English (0.7%) and Romanian (0.3%) were the most often spoken languages at home.Gosau is a rare Lutheran community in Austria; 71.2% of the locals practice the Evangelical Church of the Augsburg Confession.Muslim (1.1%), Orthodox (2.4%) and Roman Catholic (14.8%) were the other major religious groupings.
Employment and Occupation in Gosau
Gosau boasts a high employment rate—76.4% of those 15 years of age and over work. It is over the 72.6% national average. In 2023 Gosau’s unemployment rate was 3.8%, lower than the 4.7% national average.
At 46,800 euros annually on average for households, Gosau has a rather high income level in 2023. The annual national average is 43,300 euros.
With a 2023 Gini coefficient of 0.25, Gosau has comparatively little income inequality. Less than the 0.28 national average is this. With 60.2% of the families in Gosau earning between 30,000 and 60,000 euros annually and 17.6% earning more than 60,000 euros annually, the income distribution is tilted towards the middle and upper income categories. At less than 30,000 euros a year, the lowest income category makes up 22.2% of the households.