Weather & Climate In Galtür

Weather & Climate In Galtür_Austria Travel Guide

Galtür has a subarctic climate (Dfc) classified by Köppen-Geiger, which is marked by moderate summers and chilly winters with a lot of precipitation all year round. The coldest month’s average temperature is below -3°C while the warmest month’s average temperature is below 22°C. In the Alps, high altitude areas where the elevation and orographic influences balance the continental impact, the subarctic climate is typical.

Galtür experiences roughly 4.5°C of average yearly temperature. At an average of 18.6°C, July is the hottest month and January, at -9.7°C, the coldest. Particularly in winter when bright skies and snow cover can promote quick cooling, the temperature variation between day and night can be considerable. Galtür had its highest recorded temperature of 34.2°C in August 2015 and its lowest of -27.8°C in January 1985.

MonthAverage Temperature in Galtür (°C)


About 1168 mm of rain fall on Galtür on average each year. At an average of 154 mm of precipitation, August is the wettest month; December is the driest. The bulk of the precipitation falls as snow, particularly between November and April when the average snow depth is 90 cm. At 97 cm of snowfall on average, January is the snowiest month. At Galtür, the deepest snowfall ever recorded was 350 cm in March 1999.

MonthAverage Precipitation in Galtür (mm)


Galtür has roughly 1800 hours of sunlight on average per year. At an average of 240 hours of sunshine, July is the sunniest month; December is the cloudiest, with an average of 100 hours of sunshine. Seasonal variations in weather patterns also affect how long there is sunshine. Storms frequently cut short sunny days in the summer while chilly evenings follow beautiful days in the winter.

MonthAverage Sunshine Hours in Galtür


At Galtür, there are around 1800 hours of sunlight on average per year. At 240 hours of sunshine on average, July is the sunniest month; December is the cloudiest, with 100 hours of sunshine on average. Seasonal changes in the weather patterns also affect how long the sun shines. Thunderstorms frequently cut short sunny days in the summer while chilly evenings follow beautiful days in the winter.

MonthAverage Sunshine Hours in Galtür

Weather and Climate in Galtür: A Seasonal Guide

Spring in Galtür

Weather and Climate in Galtür: A Seasonal Guide

At Galtür, spring is a transitional season when the snow melts and the flowers blossom. Springtime averages for temperature range from -4.1°C in March to 7.7°C in May, and for precipitation from 72 mm in April to 93 mm in May. Springtime brings roughly 200 hours of sunlight on average and 4 m/s of wind speed. Springtime weather may be erratic; bright days might be followed by snowfall, and pleasant days by chilly evenings.

Usually lasting until mid-April, spring is a great time to enjoy the final of the winter activities. Generally speaking, there are less people than at the busiest time of year and decent snow conditions, particularly on the upper slopes. Because the museums and churches open and the biking and hiking pathways become available, spring is also a great time to discover Galtür’s natural and cultural treasures.

Summer in Galtür

Weather and Climate in Galtür: A Seasonal Guide

Galtür summers are pleasant, sunny, and verdant. Summertime averages for temperature and precipitation vary from 11.9°C in June to 18.6°C in July. Summertime brings around 230 hours of sunlight on average, and 3.6 m/s of wind speed. Given the long days and chilly evenings, summertime weather may be rather nice. Though, particularly in the afternoons and nights, thunderstorms and hailstorms might happen, summertime weather can sometimes be erratic.

Since the mountains and valleys provide countless chances for adventure and leisure, summer is a fantastic time to engage in outdoor activities. There are several of difficulty and length of the well-marked and well-maintained biking and hiking pathways. The woodlands and meadows are great places to picnic, camp, and observe animals; the lakes and rivers are great places to swim, fish, and raft.

Autumn in Galtür

Weather and Climate in Galtür: A Seasonal Guide

Galtür celebrates, harvests, and colors throughout autumn. Autumn averages for temperature vary from 13.1°C in September to -1.4°C in November, and for precipitation from 97 mm in September to 74 mm in November. About 140 hours of sunlight and 3.2 m/s of average wind speed characterize autumn. Autumn weather is erratic; days might be bright and pleasant or overcast and chilly. Usually, the first snowfall of the winter arrives in late October or early November.

Fall is a great time to take in the natural beauty when the fruits ripen and the leaves change color. Still accessible, the biking and hiking pathways provide breathtaking views of the fall scenery. Fresh, regional product abounds on the fields and in the markets; examples include apples, pears, plums, almonds, cheese and honey. The Almabtrieb, the Erntedankfest, and the Kurinarischer Herbst are just a few of the delightful and traditional festivals and activities.

Winter in Galtür

Weather and Climate in Galtür: A Seasonal Guide

In Galtür, winter is a magical, icy, snowy period. Wintertime averages for temperature vary from -9.7°C in January to -8.5°C in February, and for precipitation, from 66 mm in December to 75 mm in March. Wintertime has around 110 hours of sunlight on average, and 3.9 m/s of wind speed. Wintertime may bring some really hard conditions because of the short days and lengthy evenings. Up to 90 centimeters of snow can be found in the valley and up to 350 centimeters in the mountains.

As the cross-country trails and ski area are open and well-maintained, winter is the ideal time to enjoy winter sports. From simple and mild slopes to difficult and steep lines to off-piste and freeride zones, there are many and varied skiing and snowboarding possibilities. Offering expansive vistas of the snow-covered terrain, cross-country skiing and snowshoeing are lovely and leisurely pursuits. All the family may enjoy the thrilling and enjoyable ice skating and sledding choices.

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