Demographics Of Fieberbrunn

Demographics Of Fieberbrunn

Fieberbrunn is a little, pleasant village with a kind and hospitable locals. At January 1, 2023, the community had 4,581 residents overall. Since 2010, when the population was around 3,900, it has increased by about 10%. The main reason of population increase is the flood of migrants and visitors drawn to Fieberbrunn by the opportunities and quality of life.

Male population2,253 (49.8%)
Female population2,269 (50.2%)
Median age42.7 years
Male median age41.3 years
Female median age44 years
Population change (1975-2015)+17%
Population change (2000-2015)+6.8%

Comparing Fieberbrunn to other Austrian towns and cities, its population density is rather low. 53 persons per square kilometer is the population density of the town; this is less than the 108 persons per square kilometer national average. With 1.1% population growth, the town is outpacing the 0.5% national average. The net migration—the difference between arrivals and departures—and natural increase—the difference between births and deaths—are the main causes of population rise.

With a comparable number of males and females and a modest age distribution, Fieberbrunn boasts a balanced population structure. At 100.4 males for every 100 women, the town’s sex ratio is little higher than the 97.9 males for every 100 women national average. At 42.6 years old, the median age of the municipality is little higher than the 42.3 year national average. The age dependency ratio of the town, which is the proportion of those under 15 to those over 64, is 51.8%. This falls somewhat short of the 52.4% national average.

Population Density and Distribution

The population of Fieberbrunn is distributed and lives in several sections of the town. There are 24 districts in the municipality, and within those districts are 47 communities. Different in size, features, and purposes, the districts and neighborhoods represent the town’s historical and geographic growth.

With around 1,000 residents spread over 1.2 square kilometers, the town center is the most inhabited region of Fieberbrunn. Having a large concentration of buildings, services, and amenities, the town center serves as the administrative, commercial, and cultural center of the town. Including the parish church, the town hall, and the Fieberbrunn castle, the town center is also the oldest and most historic section of the town.

At only 50 people living in a 9.4 square kilometer area, Streuböden is the least inhabited region in Fieberbrunn. The Streuböden is a rural, hilly region with little concentration of infrastructure, services, or buildings. Additionally the newest and most contemporary section of the town, Streuböden offers a variety of sights and activities, including the cable car, the family and leisure park, and the ski resort.

Population Age and Gender

The people of Fieberbrunn are dispersed throughout several age groups, or balanced population age. At 42.7 years old, the median age of the town is little higher than Tyrol’s average of 42.1 years old. Furthermore marginally older than the 42.4 year Austrian average is Fieberbrunn’s median age.

Fieberbrunn has three age groups in its population: children (0–14), working-age (15–64), and elderly (65+). Official figures for Fieberbrunn’s population age in 2019 state:

  • Children: 15.5% (667 people)
  • Working-age: 63.5% (2,729 people)
  • Elderly: 21% (900 people)

Compared to Tyrol and Austria averages, Fieberbrunn has a little greater percentage of elderly people and a little lower percentage of children and working-age persons.

There are about equal numbers of men and women in Fieberbrunn. There are 1.01 males to every female in the town, or sex ratio of 1.01. In 2019 Fieberbrunn’s population gender was, according to official statistics:

  • Males: 50.3% (2,162 people)
  • Females: 49.7% (2,134 people)

Compared to the average of Tyrol and Austria, Fieberbrunn has a little greater proportion of men and a little lower proportion of girls.

Population Ethnicity and Nationality

The residents of Fieberbrunn are of varied ethnic origins and backgrounds. The percentage of foreign-born citizens in the town is rather high; these are individuals who were not born in Austria. As to the official figures, Fieberbrunn’s foreign-born population in 2019 was 18.4% (791 persons), higher than the averages for Tyrol (16.1%) and Austria (15.8%).

Fieberbrunn’s foreign-born population is made up of many nationalities, which are the countries of birth of the individuals. As to the official figures, Fieberbrunn’s foreign-born population in 2019 consisted of the following five nationalities:

  • Germany: 35.9% (284 people)
  • Romania: 10.4% (82 people)
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina: 9.6% (76 people)
  • Turkey: 7.1% (56 people)
  • Croatia: 6.7% (53 people)

Additionally, Fieberbrunn’s foreign-born population includes nationals of Hungary, Poland, Serbia, Slovakia, and Syria.

The percentage of citizens of Austria, or those with Austrian nationality, is rather high in Fieberbrunn. As to the official figures, Fieberbrunn’s Austrian population in 2019 was 94.2% (4,048 individuals), higher than both the 90.9% Austrian average and the 91.8% Tyrol average.

Various ethnic groups, which are the self-identified cultural or ancestral origins of the people, make up the Austrian population of Fieberbrunn. The top five ethnic groups comprising Fieberbrunn’s Austrian population, as of the 2001 census, were as follows:

  • Tyrolean: 88.9% (3,599 people)
  • German: 3.5% (141 people)
  • Turkish: 1.4% (57 people)
  • Croatian: 0.9% (37 people)
  • Serbian: 0.8% (32 people)

Along with Austrians, Fieberbrunn’s population also contains members of other ethnic groups like Bosnian, Hungarian, Polish, and Slovenian.

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