Demographics Of Dornbirn

Demographics Of Dornbirn - Austria Travel Guide - By Travel S Helper

As of January 1, 2022, Dornbirn has a population of 50,360, or around 12% of Vorarlberg’s total.

There are about equal numbers of men and women living in the city.There were 20,730 men in all, or 49.0% of the population, according to the 2001 census figures. Meanwhile, 21,571 people, or 51.0% of the population overall, were female.The census results clearly show that 86.6% of the people living in Dornbirn are citizens of Austria.In Dornbirn, 74.8% of the people said they were Roman Catholics. Moreover, 2.6% of people practiced Protestantism, and 2.7% belonged to a Christian Orthodox Church. The matching percentages in Vorarlberg were, in turn, 78.03%, 2.23%, and 2.61%.Second biggest religious group was Islam. According to 2001 figures, the proportion of Muslims in Dornbirn was 9.9% of the total population, somewhat higher than the proportion of Muslims in Vorarlberg, which was 8.36%. It is noteworthy, too, that just eight people in Dornbirn identified as Jews.

The age group with the largest proportion, 8.4% of the total population, was the 35 to 39-year-olds, according to the census statistics.It is noteworthy that the average age of the total population in Dornbirn is little higher than the average age of the relevant federal state.According to the study, 63.3% of people in the investigated region were between the ages of 15 and 60, and 18.5% were under the age of 15. The remaining 18.2% of people were those over 60. By comparison, Vorarlberg had percentages of 19.73%, 63.16%, and 17.29%, in that order.About 44.1% of Dornbirn’s population was classified as single in 2001, and an extra 7.0% as divorced.By comparison, 5.5% of the population was widowed and 43.4% was married.

Being the city in Vorarlberg with the greatest proportion of foreign residents, Dornbirn is noteworthy for its profound influence on immigration. Furthermore typical of the district overall is this tendency.According to 2001 statistics, 1.7% of Dornbirn’s residents were nationals of an EU member state other than Austria. Furthermore, disregarding the EU’s eastward expansion, 11.7% of the population was a national of a non-EU state.

Like in neighboring Vorarlberg municipalities, the most of foreign inhabitants in the area are of Turkish heritage.The statistics revealed that 4,206 people identified as Muslims and 3,484 people said Turkish was their first language.

About 35,411 people spoke German as their first language as of 2006; 35,667 people were born in Austria; and 39,812 people were citizens of Austria.The circumstances arose from the 1950s and 1960s significant rise in immigration. Turkey has been hired as a guest worker more and more as the textile sector has revived and there is a rising need for labor.Families of many former textile industry workers currently reside in Vorarlberg. Being born and reared in Austria, the younger generations have been exposed to Western culture.

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