Demographics Of Dorfgastein

1,614 people lived in Dorfgastein overall as of January 1, 2018, according to Statistics Austria.
Dorfgastein’s population has varied over time; it peaked in 1991 at 1,699 and fell to 1,498 in 2001.In 2001–2018, the population grew by 116, or 7.7%.For this time frame, the yearly average rate of population increase was 0.4%.
As of 2018, Dorfgastein’s population density was 29.8 persons per km2, less below the district average of 46.6 persons per km2 and the national average of 106.8 persons per km2.With regard to population density, Dorfgastein is ranked 18th in the district and 1,714th throughout Austria.
As of 2018, Dorfgastein has 49.1% male and 50.9% female residents.This matches the 49.0% male and 51.0% female district averages as well as the national average of 49.0% male and 50.8% female.Dorfgastein had a 0.96 sex ratio overall, or 96 males for every 100 women.
Year | Population | Male (%) | Female (%) |
1975 | 1,372 | 49.9 | 50.1 |
1980 | 1,412 | 49.9 | 50.1 |
1990 | 1,472 | 49.7 | 50.3 |
2000 | 1,554 | 49.4 | 50.6 |
2010 | 1,598 | 49.1 | 50.9 |
2015 | 1,598 | 49.1 | 50.9 |
2018 | 1,614 | 49.1 | 50.9 |
Table Of Contents
Age Distribution in Dorfgastein
In Dorfgastein, 256 persons, or 15.9% of the total population, were between the ages of 0 and 14.This is little higher than the district average of 15.4% and the national average of 14.5%.At 1.04, there were 104 boys for every 100 girls in this age group.
In Dorfgastein, the 15–64 year old age group made up 1,030 individuals, or 63.8% of the total population.At 66.8%, the district average is lower than this.At 0.97, there were 97 males for every 100 women in this age range.
In Dorfgastein in 2018, 328 persons, or 20.3% of the total population, were 65 years of age and older.This exceeds the district average of 19.8% and the national average of 18.7%.With 76 males for every 100 women, this age group had a sex ratio of 0.76.
Ethnic and Cultural Diversity in Dorfgastei
As of 2018, 95.8% of Dorfgastein’s population are citizens of Austria.This is more than both the district average of 93.4% and the national average of 90.9%.Germany (1.7%), Romania (0.7%) and Bosnia and Herzegovina (0.6%) are the countries with the biggest numbers of foreign-born residents in Dorfgastein.
As of 2011, 98.9% of the people of Dorfgastein reported speaking German as their first language. Another languages spoken in Dorfgastein include English (0.2%), Serbian (0.3%) and Croatian (0.4%).
In Dorfgastein, Roman Catholicism is the most common religion; as of 2011, 87.8% of the people identified as such. In Dorfgastein, Protestantism (2.9%), Islam (1.6%) and other or no religion (7.7%) are the other religions practiced.
Employment and Occupation in Dorfgastein
As of 2011, Dorfgastein’s employment rate was 75.5%, indicating 75.5% of the population 15 years of age and over was working. This is over the 74.2% district average and the 72.6% national average. As of 2011, Dorfgastein has a 3.5% unemployment rate, or 3.5% of the working population.This is below both the district average of 4.2% and the national average of 4.9%.
As of 2011 the following occupations were held by Dorfgastein’s employed people who were 15 years of age or older:
- Agriculture, forestry, and fishing: 9.0%
- Industry and construction: 20.3%
- Trade, transport, and communication: 18.5%
- Services: 52.2%
The most common occupations in Dorfgastein were service workers (28.9%), skilled workers (23.4%), and professionals (12.8%).