Economy Of Bischofshofen

Table Of Contents
- 1 Resident companies
- 2 Tourism
- 3 Public facilities
- 4 Non-profit organizations
- 5 Education
- 6 Related Articles
- 6.1 Bischofshofen
- 6.2 Things To Do In Bischofshofen
- 6.3 Attractions & Landmarks In Bischofshofen
- 6.4 How To Get Around In Bischofshofen
- 6.5 How To Get In Bischofshofen
- 6.6 Best Time To Visit Bischofshofen
- 6.7 History Of Bischofshofen
- 6.8 Economy Of Bischofshofen
- 6.9 Districts & Neighborhoods in Bischofshofen
- 6.10 Demographics Of Bischofshofen
- 6.11 Geography Of Bischofshofen
- 6.12 Tourism In Bischofshofen
- 6.13 Top 10 Hotels In Bischofshofen
- 7 Go Next...
Resident companies
Employing more than 1,100 people, Liebherr Werk Bischofshofen GmbH is the biggest employer in the city. At its Bischofshofen factory, Liebherr Group produces wheel loaders. Exporting its goods to more than 120 countries, the corporation holds a market share of over 20% worldwide. Additionally housed inside the site are a customer service and training facility.
There is a new tenant at the products distribution center presently. Companies in the area may bundle their products flow and store them with Fit-Log Logistikzentrum Bischofshofen GmbH. The logistics facility can hold 15,000 pallets in storage and 6,000 m² of handling space. It offers value-added services like quality monitoring, labeling, and packing as well.
A another well-known firm with its Austrian headquarters located in Bischofshofen is Pilkington Glass. The firm makes architectural and automotive glass for the European market. It can make 1.2 million m² of glass annually and employs roughly 300 people.
In Bischofshofen, the globally renowned boiler maker Bosch keeps up a huge boiler system production factory. Specialties of the facility include solar thermal systems, heat pumps, and biomass boilers. With roughly 200 employees, it turns over about 50 million euros a year.
Bischofshofen has also hosted a novel project for Austria since March 2001: the Pongau region was chosen to lead and carry out pilot projects for eco-friendly travel logistics and tourism chains as part of the EU project Alps Mobility-supported Austrian model project Soft Mobility – Car-Free Tourism. This is why Bischofshofen, the IC/EC rail hub of the area, became the home in the first tourist mobility center, mobilito. The mobility center seeks to develop tourism products for visitors without their own automobile for the German and European markets in collaboration with the other two model towns for gentle mobility, Werfenweng and Bad Hofgastein. Through a regional organization, the 25 towns of the St. Johann im Pongau district hold the GmbH.
Among other things, Bischofshofen has lately emerged as an economic force in Pongau thanks to the 13,000 m² sales area KARO retail mall, which opened on August 29, 2002. Offering a range of stores, services, and food, the retail complex draws clients from the neighborhood. In addition, it presents social and cultural activities like charity drives, exhibits, and concerts.
Additionally crucial to Bischofshofen’s economy are sports and tourism. Rich cultural legacy of the town includes the Celtic museum, the medieval castle, and the Gothic parish church. Along with these recreational amenities are an outdoor pool, a tennis court, a golf course, and a climbing wall. Winter sports fans come mostly to the ski jumping hill, which was refurbished in 2014. With 25,000 spectator capacity, it plays home to major events including the FIS Team Tour, the Summer Grand Prix, and the Four Hills Tournament.
Public facilities
There is a farm, a city library, and a retirement home in Bischofshofen; the latter had its capacity increased when a new building was finished in 2006. The farm is a social business that gives handicapped persons chances for work and training. It grows organic food, which it markets at a farm store. Together with free internet access and a variety of activities, the municipal library provides a large selection of books, periodicals, DVDs, and CDs. The 120-bed retirement home provides senior citizens with contemporary, cozy living quarters.
Non-profit organizations
For Caritas Salzburg, Bischofshofen is home to a regional office. Among the social services offered by the center are integration help, debt relief, family support, and counseling. It also oversees a clothes collection, a food bank, and a secondhand store. Running the Bischofshofen Integration and Education Center is Diakonie. German language, intercultural communication, and career orientation are among the courses and programs the center provides for those with migration histories.
The city is considered a regional school center, there are:
- two elementary schools (VS) (VS Markt, VS Neue Heimat)
- two new middle schools: NMS Hermann-Wielandner and NMS Franz-Moßhammer
- the Polytechnic School (PS) Bischofshofen
- the St. Rupert Mission Private High School of the Association of Religious Schools in Austria
- a BAFEP (Federal Educational Institution for Elementary Education)
- a branch of the Musikum Salzburg
In the city are a daycare facility and two kindergartens as well. Numerous educational programs are provided by the kindergartens and schools, including project-based learning, sports activities, musical instruction, and multilingual classes. Youngsters and adults can take lessons in singing, music theory, and a variety of instruments at the Musikum Salzburg.