Demographics Of Bischofshofen

Demographics Of Bischofshofen

The population of Bischofshofen was 10,540 at the 2018 census, of which 4,997 (47.4%) were male and 5,543 (52.6%) were female.Inhabitants per km2 (550.2/sq mi) were 212.5. Since 10,117 people lived in Bischofshofen in 1975, the population has grown by 4.2%.2.5% is the population growth rate from 2000 to 2015; this is greater than the average growth rates of the Austrian nation (1.6%) and the state of Salzburg (1.9%).

Area49.61 km2
Population (2018)10,540
Population Density212.5/km
Population Growth (1975-2015)4.2%
Median Age42.2 years
Gender Ratio90.2 males per 100 females
Foreign-born Population8.2%
Main LanguagesGerman (94.5%), Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian (2.1%)
Main Religions
Employment Rate66.9%
Unemployment Rate4.4%
Main IndustriesManufacturing (22.4%), Wholesale and retail trade (17.3%)
Average Monthly Income2,234 euros
Educational AttainmentApprenticeship or vocational school (36.9%), Secondary school (15.6%)
Average Years of Schooling11.4
School SystemsPrimary schools, Secondary schools, Higher secondary schools, Special school
Higher Education InstitutionsNone in Bischofshofen, Several in nearby cities

The age distribution of the population of Bischofshofen is as follows:

  • 0-14 years: 1,581 (15.0%)
  • 15-64 years: 6,624 (62.8%)
  • 65 years and over: 2,335 (22.2%)

The population median age of 42.2 years is greater than that of the states of Salzburg (41.7 years) and Austria (42.1 years).The median age for males is 40.7 years, while for females it is 43.6.

Gender Distribution

The age distribution of the population of Bischofshofen is as follows:

  • 0-14 years: 1,581 (15.0%)
  • 15-64 years: 6,624 (62.8%)
  • 65 years and over: 2,335 (22.2%)

At 42.2 years old, the population’s median age is greater than that of the states of Salzburg (41.7 years) and Austria (42.1 years).The median ages of the men are 40.7 and the women are 43.6 years old.

Ethnicity and Cultural Diversity

The majority of the population of Bischofshofen are Austrian citizens, accounting for 91.8% of the total population. The largest foreign-born groups are from Germany (2.4%), Bosnia and Herzegovina (1.3%), Turkey (0.9%), Romania (0.7%) and Croatia (0.6%).

The main languages spoken in Bischofshofen are German (94.5%), Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian (2.1%), Turkish (1.0%), English (0.7%) and Romanian (0.6%).

The predominant religion in Bischofshofen is Roman Catholicism, which is followed by 74.8% of the population. Other religions include Islam (4.3%), Orthodox Christianity (3.1%), Protestantism (2.5%) and other or none (15.3%).

Employment Rates

Higher than the employment rates of the state of Salzburg (65.7%) and the nation of Austria (64.9%), the population of Bischofshofen aged 15 and over has 66.9% employment rate. The unemployment rate for those 15 years of age and over is 4.4%, which is less than the rates in the states of Salzburg (5.0%) and Austria (5.5%).

More males than women are employed at 73.9% of the population 15 years of age and older than women are (60.2%).Males aged 15 and over had an unemployment rate of 4.6%, which is higher than females aged 15 and over’s rate of 4.2%).

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