Demographics Of Bad Tatzmannsdorf

Demographics Of Bad Tatzmannsdorf

The population of Bad Tatzmannsdorf is 1,647 as of the 2023 census, of which 50.5% are women and 49.5% are men. The bulk of people (93.9%) are citizens of Austria; the remaining people are primarily from Germany, Hungary, and Croatia. Following Protestantism (8.9%) and atheism (8.4%), Roman Catholicism is the most common religion (74.4%). German is the most often spoken language (97.6%), followed by Hungarian (1.3%) and Croatian (0.7%).

Total Population1,647
Population Growth Trends+1.4% since 2018
Population Density140 people/km2
Age Distribution in Bad TatzmannsdorfChildren and Adolescents (0-19 years): 14.3%, Adults (20–64 years): 58.5%, Seniors (65 years and over): 27.2%
Gender Distribution in Bad TatzmannsdorfFemale: 51.7%, Male: 48.3%
Ethnic and Cultural Diversity in Bad TatzmannsdorfAustrian: 88.9%, Hungarian: 3.8%, Croatian: 1.8%, Other: 5.5%

The population of Bad Tatzmannsdorf was 1,647 as of January 1, 2023, according to the most recent census figures.This is a 1.4% rise over the 1,554 population in 2018.Beginning in 1971 with 1,052, Bad Tatzmannsdorf’s population growth trend has been favorable.

Based on its 11.63 square kilometer total area, Bad Tatzmannsdorf has a population density of 140 persons per square kilometer.This is less than the 161 persons per square kilometer Burgenland average population density.

Age Distribution in Bad Tatzmannsdorf

Bad Tatzmannsdorf’s median age of 46.8 is greater than the 44.6 year national median age. Following is the age distribution of Bad Tatzmannsdorf:

  • Children and Adolescents (0-19 years): 14.3% of the population
  • Adults (20–64 years): 58.5% of the population
  • Seniors (65 years and over): 27.2% of the population

As a health resort, Bad Tatzmannsdorf draws a lot of older citizens looking for rest and well-being, which is reflected in its age composition.

Gender Distribution in Bad Tatzmannsdorf

There are 51.7% of women and 48.3% of men in Bad Tatzmannsdorf, a little skewed gender distribution. At 51.4% female and 48.6% male, the national gender ratio is comparable.

Ethnic and Cultural Diversity in Bad Tatzmannsdorf

With a background of ethnic group migration and settlement, Bad Tatzmannsdorf is a multicultural municipality. Though speakers of Hungarian, Croatian, and other languages are also present, German is the official language of Bad Tatzmannsdorf. The following ethnic groups are present in Bad Tatzmannsdorf:

  • Austrian: 88.9% of the population
  • Hungarian: 3.8% of the population
  • Croatian: 1.8% of the population
  • Other: 5.5% of the population

The ethnic variety of Bad Tatzmannsdorf is a reflection of its historical connections to and physical position close to the borders of Hungary and Croatia.

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