Demographics Of Bad Mitterndorf
Bad Mitterndorf has 4,962 residents as of January 1, 2018, according to its official website, and it covers an area of 196.17 km² (75.74 sq mi). Population density is 25/km² (66/sq mi). The town is coded 03623 for area and 8983 for postal.
Between 2,705 in 1971 and 4,962 in 2018, Bad Mitterndorf’s population has grown consistently. From 1975 to 2015, the population changed by 31.3%; from 2000 to 2015, by 13.6%; and from 2015 to 2020, by an estimated -0.2%. Accordingly, the rate of population increase has recently slowed down or even reversed.
As of January 1, 2018, the median age of Bad Mitterndorf inhabitants is 45.7 years old.The median age is 46.8 years for women and 44.6 years for men. The median age shows the average age at which half of the population is younger and half is older than that figure.
With somewhat more women than men (51.1% vs. 48.9%), the gender distribution of Bad Mitterndorf inhabitants is rather equal. There are nearly exactly one female for every man, or gender ratio.
- Population Size and Growth
- Bad Mitterndorf is a town in Salzkammergut in the Austrian state of Styria, situated between Salzburg and Graz.
- The population of Bad Mitterndorf was 4,775 in 2015, according to the official website.
- The population has increased by 14.2% from 1975 to 2015, and by 5.1% from 2000 to 2015.
- Population Density and Distribution
- The area of Bad Mitterndorf is 196.2 km², according to CityFacts.
- The population density is 25/km², which is lower than the national average of 34/km².
- The population is distributed evenly across the town, with no significant urban or rural areas.
- Population Age and Gender
- The median age of Bad Mitterndorf residents is 45.4 years, according to CityFacts.
- The male population is slightly more than half of the total population (49.4%), while the female population is slightly more than half (50.6%).
- The median age for males is 44.2 years and for females is 46.6 years.
- Population Ethnicity and Nationality
- Bad Mitterndorf has a diverse population, with people from different ethnic backgrounds and nationalities.
- According to Wikipedia, some of the ethnic groups that live in or have lived in Bad Mitterndorf are Germans, Austrians, Hungarians, Italians, Slovaks, Czechs, Poles, Slovenes, Croats, Serbs, Roma, Jews, Turks and others.
- Some of the famous residents of Bad Mitterndorf include Hubert Neuper (1980 Olympic silver medallist and 1982 World Championship runner-up), Wolfgang Loitzl (2009 World Champion and the 2008-9 Four Hills champion), Thomas Neuwirth aka Conchita Wurst (winner of the Eurovision Song Contest 2014) and others.
Table Of Contents
- 1 Related Articles
- 1.1 Bad Mitterndorf
- 1.2 Food & Drinks In Bad Mitterndorf
- 1.3 Attractions & Landmarks In Bad Mitterndorf
- 1.4 How To Get Around In Bad Mitterndorf
- 1.5 How To Get In Bad Mitterndorf
- 1.6 Best Time To Visit Bad Mitterndorf
- 1.7 History Of Bad Mitterndorf
- 1.8 Economy Of Bad Mitterndorf
- 1.9 Weather & Climate In Bad Mitterndorf
- 1.10 Geography Of Bad Mitterndorf
- 1.11 Tourism In Bad Mitterndorf
- 1.12 Accommodations & Hotels In Bad Mitterndorf
- 2 Go Next...