Demographics Of Bad Gastein

With 3,980 inhabitants as of the 2018 census, Bad Gastein is the third-biggest town in the Gastein Valley, behind Bad Hofgastein and Dorfgastein. Lower than the national average of 106.8 people per km2 is the population density of 22.5 people per km2. A little portion of the population is foreign, mostly from Germany, Croatia, and Hungary; the bulk is Austrian. Though Slovenian and Romani are two of the dialects and minority languages spoken, German is the official language. At around 82% of the population, Roman Catholicism is the most common religion; Protestantism, Islam, and other religions follow.
Category | Value |
Total Population | 3,980 |
Population Density | 23 people per square km |
Age Distribution in Bad Gastein | 15.8% under 18, 64.2% 18-64, 20% 65+ |
Gender Distribution in Bad Gastein | 90.9 males per 100 females |
Ethnic and Cultural Diversity in Bad Gastein | 92.5% Austrian, 7.5% foreign nationals |
Table Of Contents
- 1 Population of Bad Gastein
- 2 Age Distribution in Bad Gastein
- 3 Gender Distribution in Bad Gastein
- 4 Ethnic and Cultural Diversity in Bad Gastein
- 5 Educational Attainment in Bad Gastein
- 6 Related Articles
- 6.1 Bad Gastein
- 6.2 Top 10 Hotels In Bad Gastein
- 6.3 Nightlife in Bad Gastein
- 6.4 Food & Drinks in Bad Gastein
- 6.5 Thermal Baths & Lakes in Bad Gastein
- 6.6 Things To Do In Bad Gastein
- 6.7 Attractions & Landmarks In Bad Gastein
- 6.8 How To Get Around In Bad Gastein
- 6.9 How To Get To Bad Gastein
- 6.10 Economy Of Bad Gastein
- 6.11 Best Time To Visit Bad Gastein
- 6.12 History Of Bad Gastein
- 6.13 Weather & Climate In Bad Gastein
- 6.14 Geography Of Bad Gastein
- 6.15 Ski Resort Bad Gastein
- 7 Go Next...
Population of Bad Gastein
The population of Bad Gastein in 2018 was 3,980, 1,901 of whom were male and 2,115 of them were female. As such, Bad Gastein ranks as the 170th largest municipality in Salzburg and the 10th largest in the St. Johann im Pongau District.
The population of Bad Gastein has dropped precipitously throughout the last several decades, mostly as a result of the downturn in tourism and the closing of several hotels and enterprises.The population of Bad Gastein fell by 67% from 12,000 to 4,000 between 1975 and 2015.The population fell from 6,000 to 4,000 individuals, a 33.4% decrease between 2000 and 2015. Future population reduction is expected unless fresh steps are made to revitalise the town and draw in more tourists and locals.
Given its vast 170.6 square kilometer size and its population of just 4,000, Bad Gastein has a low population density. The 23 persons per square kilometer population density is far lower than the average of 101 persons per square kilometer in Salzburg and 106 persons per square kilometer throughout Austria.
Age Distribution in Bad Gastein
At just 15.8% of the population, Bad Gastein has a comparatively small number of children and teenagers.This is less than the 18.5% Salzburg and 18.2% Austrian averages. The population is getting older and there are less educational and recreational options, which might explain the low proportion of young individuals.
There are a lot of adults in Bad Gastein—64.2% of the population is between the ages of 18 and 64.This is more than the 61.9% Salzburg and 61.7% Austrian averages. The presence of some working-age people working in the tourist and service industries as well as some retirees who have settled in the town may account for the high proportion of adults.
As 20% of the population is 65 years of age or over, Bad Gastein has a fairly high senior population.This is much more than the 19.6% Salzburg and 20.1% Austrian averages. Both the attraction of Bad Gastein as a spa and health resort and the outmigration of younger generations may be contributing to the high proportion of seniors.
Gender Distribution in Bad Gastein
As there are more women than men in the population, Bad Gastein has a rather skewed gender distribution. Lower below the average of 97.9 men per 100 females in Salzburg and 96.9 males per 100 females in Austria, the gender ratio is 90.9 males per 100 females. The greater life expectancy of women and their increased engagement in the service and health industries may be connected to the gender imbalance.
Ethnic and Cultural Diversity in Bad Gastein
With 92.5% of the inhabitants being citizens of Austria, Bad Gastein is a mostly Austrian town.7.5% of the population is foreign national, mostly from Germany, Romania, Hungary, and Croatia, hence there is some ethnic and cultural variety. The foreign population might consist of visitors, seasonal laborers, or long-term inhabitants who have blended in with the locals.A tiny proportion of Bad Gastein residents practice various religions, including Buddhism, Orthodox Christianity, and Islam.
Educational Attainment in Bad Gastein
With 72.4% of those 15 years of age and older having finished at least obligatory school, Bad Gastein has a decent level of education.This is just below Salzburg’s and Austria’s averages of 74.3% and 74.6%.But just 12.5% of the people have completed a postsecondary education, either a vocational diploma or a university degree.At 23.1% on average in Salzburg and 22.9% across Austria, this is much below average. The small number of higher education institutions in the town and the reduced need for highly qualified people in the service and tourist industries may be the causes of the low level of tertiary education.