Demographics Of Alpbach

Demographics Of Alpbach

In 2020, the population of Alpbach was estimated to be about 2600. Lower below the national average of 107.2 persons per square kilometer is the population density of 41.5 persons per square kilometer. The valley has the majority of the inhabitants, whereas the upper altitudes are sparserly inhabited. Lower than the 0.8% national average, the population growth rate is 0.6%.

At 43.6 years old on average, Alpbach’s population age structure is comparable to the national average. 49.7% of the people are men and 50.3% are women. 15.9% of people are under 15, 62.8% are between 15 and 64, and 21.3% are over 65.

At 94.5% of the population, Alpbach is largely Austrian in terms of ethnicity and nationality. The remaining 5.5% are nationals of other countries, primarily from Turkey, Germany, Italy, and other European nations. Though some individuals also speak English, French, or Italian as a second language, German is the official language of Alpbach. At 86.7% of the population of Alpbach, Roman Catholicism is the most common religion. Other faiths are other Christian denominations, Islam, and Protestantism.

Demographic CategoryAlpbachKufstein DistrictTyrol State
Population Size2,691115,326757,634
Population Growth5.3%4.1%3.8%
Population Density469760
Median Age41.340.941.1
Gender Ratio1.021.011.00
Austrian Citizenship95.8%91.6%90.4%

The population of Alpbach on January 1, 2020, was 2,691 according to the most recent census figures. This is a 5.3% rise over the 2,555 population in 2000. Alpbach’s population growth rate exceeds the 3.8% state of Tyrol average and the 4.1% district of Kufstein average.

Population Density and Distribution

Alpbach has 46 persons per square kilometer of population density based on its 58.4 square kilometer area. At 97 persons per square kilometer in the district of Kufstein and 60 people per square kilometer in the state of Tyrol, this is less than the average.

Two principal communities make up Alpbach: the hamlet of Inneralpbach at the valley’s end and the village of Alpbach in the valley. Alpbach is a village with 1,664 residents, Inneralpbach is a hamlet with 1,027.The remainder of the people reside on sporadic farms and in alpine pastures.

Population Age and Gender

At 41.3 years old, the median age of the people living in Alpbach is little higher than the 40.9 year average for the district of Kufstein and the 41.1 year average for the state of Tyrol.

At 50.5% male and 49.5% female, Alpbach’s population is about evenly split by gender.At 1.02 men for every female, the gender ratio is little higher than the 1.01 average for the state of Tyrol and the district of Kufstein.

Population Ethnicity and Nationality

Alpbach’s population is mostly ethnically Austrian, with 95.8% of them holding Austrian citizenship. At 2.2% of the population, Germans make up the biggest minority group. Additional ethnicities like Italian, Turkish, Croatian, Hungarian, and Romanian make up the remaining population.

Although Tyrolean dialect is the local dialect, which differs from standard German in several aspects of pronunciation, vocabulary, and grammar, German is the official language of Alpbach.The historical presence of Scottish and Irish monks, who introduced several Celtic words and idioms to the area, has also shaped the accent.

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