Following the path taken by renowned Catalan author Jacint Verdaguer during his trip in Andorra in 1883, the Ruta Verdaguer – Estany de Creussans offers an interesting hiking trip. For those who value the subtleties of nature and history, this beautiful path offers a harmonic mix of natural beauty, historical relevance, and cultural legacy.
Starting at the top of the Creussans chairlift in La Coma del Forat in the Ordino Arcalís ski resort, in the parish of Ordino, hikers start a well-defined route adorned with instructive signs clarifying the trip ahead. The first elevation guarantees a descent across the climb, making it accessible for a wide range of hikers. Still, it offers breathtaking views all along the path. The path first leads one to the Creussans mountain pass, where a memorial plaque honors Verdaguer’s arrival on August 25, 1883, marking his first steps into the magnificent terrain of Andorra.
The road winds across peaceful alpine meadows, finally reaching the Estany de Creussans, a high-altitude lake 2,442 meters above sea level. Comprising 1.3 hectares, the lake’s width is 100 meters, and its length is about 150 meters. The immaculate lake waters help the Riu de l’Estany de Creussans, which wanders southeast towards La Coma del Forat, to merge into the Valira del Nord basin. Metamorphic rocks, mostly schist, define the terrain in the vicinity and are typical of this specific region in Andorra. Rising sharply above the lake, the grand mountains of Cabanyó, Creussans, and Peyreguils define the line separating Andorra from France. Between the two later mountains is the Creussans pass, which offers a path to France’s Soulcem Valley.
This area is quite valuable for its ecological importance as well as for its visual appeal. Particularly the Isoetes creussensis, an aquatic plant species found in 2010 that lives in particular high-altitude oligotrophic lakes all around Andorra, France, and Spain. Festuca eskia and Festuca gautieri abound in the siliceous acidophilic mountain grasslands that line the lake.
The trail guides adventurers by a modern building, the La Coma restaurant, located inside the ski resort, as the ascent takes place. From this point, hikers cross the Coma del Forat River and head downhill next to the Tristaina River banks. The road finally reaches Marrades del Bruig from fascinating terrain. Following a charming tunnel that adds mystery to the journey, the road converges with the old one leading to the Castellar Bridge.
Deeper one travels the Corb path leading to the Encodina meadows, where the small church of San Pere del Serrat acts as a moving reminder of the rich cultural legacy of the area. One travels alongside the river and crosses the main thoroughfare as one advances across the Farga Bridge, guiding one to the Mina de Llorts, a site of historical importance closely connected to the vast mining activity of the area. The path then lines up with the Iron Route, a notable path reflecting Andorra’s industrial past.
Trekkers reach the little town of Llorts, home of the Romanesque church of San Cerni, as the journey draws to an end. After crossing the Moles Bridge, they arrive at the sculpture meadow, where artistic expressions coexist peacefully with the surrounding natural surroundings. Then the trajectory leads one towards Arans and finally to the core of La Cortinada. The path ends in visits to two notable sites: the Mola and Serradora de Cal Pal, a historic mill and sawmill that best embodies Andorra’s traditional workmanship, and the San Martí church, a magnificent example of Romanesque architecture.
Summertime traffic to La Coma del Forat is restricted to cyclists looking to climb the Port d’Arcalís. For those starting hiking activities, the Creussans chairlift thus provides the most easily available entrance. Though the path stays open from May through October, late June and late September have the most ideal conditions at heights above 1,700 meters.
The Ruta Verdaguer offers not only a physically exciting journey but also a unique opportunity to interact with the natural wonders and historical stories of Andorra. The path from Estany de Creussans to La Cortinada pays a great homage to Jacint Verdaguer, whose famous poem Canigó found inspiration in these amazing vistas. Characterized by its breathtaking alpine scenery, important cultural sites, and great ecological diversity, this path provides a deep exploration of both historical and natural domains, profoundly affecting all who travel its course.